NCCP Competition Introduction A-Workshop
For those coaches out there looking to start their NCCP Training, the OAWA will host an on-line workshop.
Date: Wednesday January 4, 2023 (part A)
Saturday January 7, 2023 (T & T)
Time: 4:00 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Cost: $75.00 (for OAWA registered Coaches, add $50.00 if you are not registered)
This workshop will also include an online training session on Comp/Int. Technical and Tactical (T & T).
These two workshops will get new coaches started on their NCCP Training. It will also allow these coaches to be classified as ‘in training’, allowing them to be eligible to coach at the Provincial U-17 Open and U-19 Championships in Markham Ontario February 4 and 5 respectively.
To register for the course, and receive the information for the ZOOM links, please register using the following link
January 4, 2023 NCCP Course, Register HERE